The 2015 Canadian UFO survey was released this past week and tells us that, not only are sightings on the increase, more frequent in Quebec (interesting) but has posited that one of the reasons might be that “the downturn in the economy is leading to an increased desire by some people to look skyward for assistance” . That is a profound observation and I would think that some spiritual leaders might want to consider the ramifications of the possibility that any of their members might be looking to the appearance of so called UFO’s for assistance.
First of all, as I alluded to in my previous post, let me say that I really, really dislike terms like “UFO ” and “Alien” and will say out loud, that I will never, never use them in of my posts (unless in a direct quote ) and if I do, please reply in the comment section and give me a metaphorical smack! And here is why.
These words are emotionally charged, loaded and ( knowingly or unknowingly ) programmed by the mainstream media to keep reports and investigations of these phenomenon in what I call the “realm of the ridiculous” –conjuring of images of flying saucers and the proverbial little green men. Which seems to amuse people but marginalizes those who have had sightings of what may or may not be a valid experience of something of which we do not have direct knowledge. The fact is, most of these sightings are explainable either by astronomical phenomenon, military craft, weather phenomenon etc. But this year, 12% were truly unexplainable.
I was not amused by the CBC television ( for which I normally have the utmost respect ) account of this year’s report—which included a cartoon image of a little Martian, a scene from the movie ET, a giggling correspondent giving his impression of a Martian voice and the ” flying saucer” icons on the map showing the distribution of reports . Both correspondents had a good laugh over this which I consider to be disrespectful to the author of the report who is a scientist using analytical methods , not a Hollywood film producer.
Having said that , I am committed to the rather plodding scientific process that I believe will eventually lead us to proof of life elsewhere and I don’t personally believe that aliens are here among us. ( yet:) ) But I am constantly blown away and rather impressed by the number of people who do and who accept it as a given that we live in a world which is regularly contacted by other civilizations. All you have to do is check the Internet for various accounts of this. Many people accept this without , seemingly, any concrete proof other than testimonials from other people. I guess that takes a certain kind of faith when you think about it. It ‘s not something that I personally believe in but I wouldn’t rule it out either —sometimes I think that is case of the proverbial ” we don’t know what we don’t know”
The only thing that I would hope for with regards to this topic is a respectful dialogue without terminology that causes people to roll their eyes and snigger. This year’s UFO report also includes this acknowledgement that ” there is no incontrovertible evidence that some UFO cases involve extraterrestrial contact. The continued reporting of UFO’s by the public and the yearly increase in numbers of UFO reports a need for further examination of the phenomenon by social, medical and/or physical scientists.”
Any volunteers to take on that examination?